Методична розробка уроку професійного спрямування

«Excursion in the Cookery World of Kolky High Vocational school»


Мета: актуалізувати відомості з теми ″Food and Meals″, удосконалювати навички вживання лексики в мовленєвій діяльності,  формувати монологічне та діалогічне мовлення, сприяти усвідомленню особливостей англійських стійких словосполучень, прислів′їв та доречному їх застосуванню у власному мовленні.
Розвивати мислення , творчу уяву, комунікативні здібності, створювати ситуації з реального життя з метою заохочення учнів висловлювати думки, виражати почуття, використовуючи життєвий досвід, розвивати ерудицію учнів.
Виховувати чуття мови,  вміння слухати один одного, поваги до думки іншого, зосередженість у нових мовленнєвих умовах.
Тип уроку: урок засвоєння нових знань
Вид уроку: урок-екскурсія.
Методи і прийоми: бесіда з метою актуалізації упорних знань, пошукові завдання з теми, ознайомлення з новою лексикою, слово вчителя, побудова коротких ситуативних діалогів, створення мовленнєвих ситуацій, робота в комунікативних групах, бeсіда з опорою на монологічне висловлювання.
Обладнання: рецепти страв ,презентації
Procedure of the Lesson
I. Introduction.
 Today we start  new topic ″Food and Meals″. So, during a number of lessons we′ll speak about pleasant and tasty things. I think you′ll learn new words from this sphere. You′ll share your opinions and show your knowledge. Let’s begin with unusual steps. Dear friends, try to forget that we are at the usual lesson. We are going to have a special excursion in the world of cookery.
Surprised?  Let′s start.
II. Main part of the lesson
Our  problem question:
Can cookery equipment of our vocational school provide successful mastering of your profession?
Your conclusions will be at the end of our excursion.
                                             “Equipment of Food Enterprises”                                                                                     
You are welcome to this classroom.
It is called ″Equipment of Food Enterprises″. We can learn  about different devices for cooking here. It is necessary to know principles of their working. We learn manual instructions of using appliances. Of course, teacher  inform us about our safety. Here we can see different appliances which can help to cook dishes.
Any questions?
1. Can you tell us what is this device for?
1       It is electric cattle
We boil water in it.
2.   How can we use this appliance?
2       It′s a cook processor.
We use it for
cringing the foodstuff, slicing potatoes, making the pastry

Let us go to another building.
By the way do you  know  any proverbs or sayings concerning our theme ″Food’’
-Every cook praises his own broth (Кожен кулик своє болото хвалить)
-Out of the frying pan into the firе (З вогню та в полум’я)
-Forbidden fruit is sweet (Заборонений плід солодкий)

-Waiter, waiter, there is a fly in my soup.
-Don’t worry, sir, the spider on the bread will catch it.

-Waiter, waiter, what’s in my soup?
-I have no idea, sir .All insects look the same to me.

Go on.
                                           “Technology of Cooking Meals”

       This study is called «Technology of Cooking Meals». At the lessons of Technology we get to know how to cook dishes. Theoretical material is worth learning. We learn the information about different ways of preparing different dishes.
For example, frying means cooking in hot fat. Boiling means cooking in dry heat.
It’s very interesting to listen about secrets of cooking.
Any questions?
1.     Is it possible to find recipes of dishes here?
Yes, here you are.
2.     Can we see examples of cake decorations here?
Of  course. Look here, please.

Thanks. Let’s go to another building.
Do you remember some more proverbs or sayings, jokes?
-Hunger is a best sauce.(Голод – найкраща приправа)
-Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.(Їж вволю,пий в міру)
-Appetite comes with eating,(Апетит приходить під час їжі)
-As hunter as a hunter.(Голодний, як вовк)
-Is this tea or coffee?
-Can you tell the difference, sir, by the taste?
-No, I can’t.
-Well, if you can’t tell the difference, what does it matter which is it?

-Waiter, waiter, do you serve crabs?
-Sit down, sir, we serve anybody.
A laboratory “ Cooking Dishes”

 A laboratory for cooking different dishes is before you. An oven is in the middle of the room. We also can see many work surfaces for students. They are equipped with all necessary things: knives, chopping boards, egg-beaters, garlic presses, tin-openers  . We use   a microwave when it is necessary. Crockery in the laboratory is new and clean. Every group learns here how to bake, to fry, to steam, to stew. Our masters help us to become good specialists.
Any questions?
1.Is it difficult to cook?
Of course, no,
2,Is oven always in order?
It is in order when electricity is in.

“  Demonstration Hall”
 Now this way,  please. It’s a demonstration hall. I’ll tell you how to set the table.
First let’s put a plate. Meat or first fork must be put on the left hand of the plate. Meat or fish knife, bread or cheese knife, soup spoon must be on the right hand.
A class is before them. Spoon and fork for dessert is before the plate.

“ Degustation Hall”
Look here, please, It's our degustation hall. And now we proposed you to have a light meal, in other words, lunch . It may consist of sandwiches with different  stuffings:  rolls, buns, pancakes, biscuits, vegetable salads and fruit, or mutton chop .  And for drinking you may have tea , coffee , juice . Now try our sandwiches, please .
Answer my question:
 “Is it tasty?”
 Possible answers :
 -It is delicious
-It’s excellent 
-I can say that it is fresh
-I’ve never tasted such sandwiches
-I’d like to notice that there is a restaurant  “Marry  Farmer “in Chalfont in England. It is famous with  variety  of sandwiches. They propose 501 kinds of them.
 Who wants something to add?
                    Poem “I Like Sandwiches”
Sandwiches are beautiful,
Sandwiches are fine.
I like sandwiches, I eat them all the time.
A sandwich may be egg or cheese or even peanut butter,
Jam or ham, or cucumber,
Any kind will do.
I like sandwiches,
How about you?
-Let’s go to  another building.
 It is heart of cookery in our vocational school. It goes without saying that our refectory is the best. It is decorated in the ethnic style. Nevertheless of large territory it is very cosy. It is recently renovated and beautifully decorated. Everything is arranged carefully for pleasant eating. 
You may see everything by your own eyes.
-Isn’t it magnificent?
I strongly believe you are  agree  that our refectory is actually the best.
  And now take these places.
Our pupils prepared presentation about teachers and masters of cookery.
Look and listen.
 Summing  up. Giving home assignment.
Are there any questions concerning today`s lesson?
So, my dear pupils. It`s high time to exchange your   opinions about excursion. And, tell us also, please, why do you choose a profession of a cook.
 Let’s start.
Reflection “Microphone”
 -Well, it’s no doubt  that  today a good cook is of great demand in our country. I want to become a cook. Our guides were excellent.
-My mother advised me to become a nurse but I couldn’t agree with her. The way I feel it I need to be interested in my profession and to get a good experience. Thus, I`ll be a cook because I like this profession.
-After finishing school I have decided what exactly I want to do. I start to study at vocational school. My dream is to be a good cook.
-I think the job of cook is rather difficult. But I am not afraid of hardships.  So, I’ll be a good cook. I liked presentation.
-To my  mind  it is very difficult to be a good cook.  I’ll   be patient and hard-working.
-Some years ago I wanted to become a programmer. Then I changed my mind. I decided to be a cook .
-As for me it is necessary to have a very creative mind to be a cook. I suppose this profession is for me.
-The excursion is good.
- To my mind our country needs good cooks. I’ll try to be such a specialist.
-It is very important for everybody to make a right choice of profession. There are a lot of honorable professions today. Still it is difficult for young people to choose. I changed my plans several times about what I want to be. At last I have decided  that I want to be a cook.
 -I strongly believe I don’t want a job just for money. My profession must be interesting for me. I think that the work of a cook is very much like art. That is why I want to be a cook.
Home assignment for the next time:
-To learn words
-To make up ten sentences about our excursion   

How clever we are! You see, our possibilities are excellent. Everything will help you to become good specialists.     

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